
Grogu's Fantasy Limited Edition Art Prints
Thursday, July 6, 2023

12 limited edition prints for my LXNN original oil painting are now available!

Each print is 16”x13.3”, 1" border, Gicle?e on watercolor paper, acid free, signed and numbered edition of 10.

These are now availabile in my shop! Order there, send me a message directly, or DM me on any major social media platform.

LXNN Limited Edition Art Prints
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

12 limited edition prints for my LXNN original oil painting are now available!

Each print is 12”x12” Gicle?e on watercolor paper, acid free, signed and numbered edition of 12.

Price is $40 USD each, with free shipping.

These are now availabile in my shop! Order there, send me a message directly, or DM me on any major social media platform.

Thank you for your love and support <3

Drop: 100 Titan NFTs
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

I've started my first NFT ("Non-Nungible Token") drop, which consists of a series of 100 Titans.

Titans are uniquely created characters that I made. You may have noticed them floating around. They exist on Planet Cur1yJ, deep in an ancient underwater mountainous jungle. They are the guardians and mascots of this realm.

They are a constant cycle inspiration for my own creativity and artwork. And they're a lot of fun.

No two are exactly alike, and each one of them can be officially owned by a single person on the Ethereum blockchain, and subject to the ERC-721 standard that powers most digital art and collectibles.

You can buy, sell, and trade them right now on my Cur1yJ Digital CryptoArt Shop.

Enjoy :)

Cur1yJ Digital NFT CryptoArt Collection
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Here it is, the Cur1yJ Digital CryptoArt Shop!!

I'm excited to announce that all my digital artwork is now crypto artwork, and it exists on the Ethereum blockchain as NFTs.

My background is in finance and computer science. I started hacking when I was 10, and some of my best tech nerd homies in college introduced me to mining and cryptocurrency like Bitcoin back in 2011. I've been active in the crypto markets ever since, and I think I have a unique perspective on it, in a way that could be helpful to some people who aren't really sure what it's like to invest in a bubble, new to investing, or don't really understand what's going on with cryptocurrency and blockchain tech in general. How it's both helpful, and hurtful.

Allow me to break down some points that I think are easier to understand and keep in mind when navigating these open seas (oooh pun!).

  • Cryptocurrency, like the stock market, at the moment, is purely speculative. It doesn't have much practical use for the every day life of a human. Especially when you remove 1st or 2nd world countries from this equation.
  • Cryptocurrency is still pegged to the US dollar. Most people, when they want to "cash out" of a coin, they do it for their native currency.
  • If the US dollar ever becomes obsolete, the entire financial world would essentially flip on its head. Literally every currency on the planet is based on the US dollar in one way or another.
  • Bitcoin's technology, imho, was DOA (Dead On Arrival). From what I know about software and finance, and currency... This coin specifically, is the right idea, but the wrong answer.
  • Cryptocurrency markets are so volatile, that 1 Ethereum, for example, could be worth $1,700 USD today (~ current price), and crash could happen that's so sharp, in one week it'll be worth $500 USD.
  • So say I buy a house for $500k USD worth of Ethereum. You sell me that house. 1 week later, the market crashes, and now that ETH is only worth $200k. Both parties lose. My house is now worth $200k, and you only have $200k worth of ETH because you didn't convert it to USD quick enough.
  • I had all of my bitcoin on Mt Gox circa 2013 after years of hoarding them at like $5/each. One day, MtGox disappeared. And so did all my crypto. I wasn't alone. Before that happened, multiple hacks occurred that were so bad they rolled back the market data by DAYS, simultaneously erasing the equivalent in trades.
  • Massive risk for both parties at either end of the purchase using a coin. And the value of coins are currently is  just based on bearish or bullish markets. There's no real world factors really driving it's price up or down besides traders and hype.
  • Equity in markets do not increase in value forever.
  • Bitcoin is different than Ethereum. Ethereum is way more practical than Bitcoin. Bitcoin is solely a cryptocurrency, whereas the tech behind Ethereum has WAY more use when it comes to artificial intelligence, dAPPs, etc... I could hypothetically build a new decentralized internet on the Ethereum blockhain. The imporant point here is that you can build things totally outside the scope of just a digital currency.
  • Thus, Ethereum > Bitcoin. Down the road, you will see the value of Ethereum become more aligned with it's actual value, as people become more educated and aware, and Bitcoin will die, get hacked, go underground, whatever. Even the fact that it's already being used by the like of PayPal (essentially the reason Bitcoin was even created was because of modern finance) is a big L. RIP.
  • We are in a bubble. Right now. 2021. Over half the country unemployed, pandemic lockdown, social reckoning, etc. The government is dumping trillions into the economy. Markets going up no matter what happens. People are giving it right back to them, or corporations, in the form of actions like Amazon purchases, GameStop hedge fund hype, crypto hype, YouTube consumption...
  • Tread thoughtfully. The hard part comes when the bubble pops.

    So now, here I am with cryptoart and Rarible, for now. I've imagined for years a way to actually create value out of my digital artwork and creations. I do so much shit on the internet. Everything can be copied, hacked, nothign is safe, and most people forget about what they have on the HD when they get a new computer or their GFX card gets fried. I've been waiting for some things in augmented reality to get further along, and I'm super excited about that down the road. But it's not quite where I want it to be yet. 

    You can go to my Cur1yJ Digital Shop on Rarible, and buy/sell/trade/own/love/share/enjoy my digital artwork, animations, paintings, experiences, etc. in a journaled and verified way. Only one of each exists, and only one owner. All tracked and valued @ the price of Ethereum. All public. Any time I finish something in the digital realms, it will live there, for now. Ways you can enjoy the artwork once you have it will continually evolve and be unique to each digital piece.

    Read more about NFTs (non-fungible tokens) here.

    Thanks for reading.

Limited Edition Prints of Millenial Bitcoin Investor
Monday, October 12, 2020

It's that time! 10 limited edition prints for the second original oil painting in the Titan Series are now available!

You can view the original piece here.

Each "Millenial Bitcoin Investor" print is 9”x9” Giclee on watercolor paper, acid free, signed and numbered edition of 10.

Price is $35.00 USD each, with free shipping.

These are now availabile in my shop! Order there, send me a message directly, or DM me on any major social media platform.

Thank you for supporting my creations <3

Programming + SEO Knowledge Breakdown
Sunday, August 23, 2020

I had a thought! I could break down in more detail a list of core topics that I make sure to stay studied up on, for some of the programming languages (+ an SEO-relevant bonus) that I'm more fluent with. I think it's a great reference point from which to dive deeper into specifics. You'll notice some recurring themes across languages too, which I think speaks to how important certain aspects are. Check it out:


  • SQL and MySQL-specific Syntax
  • Security and User Management
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Installation and Upgrades
  • Scaling, Monitoring and HA
  • Data and Index Types
  • Stored Routines, Triggers, and Events
  • Views
  • Transactions
  • Performance Benchmarking
  • Performance Tuning
  • Partitioning


  • Fundamentals
  • Images and Links
  • Tables and Forms
  • Tags


  • Network & Web Programming
  • System Administration
  • Testing & Debugging
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Files and I/O
  • Data Structures And Algorithms
  • Data Types
  • Advanced Data Structures
  • Data Encoding and Processing
  • Concurrency
  • Security

Ruby on Rails

  • Environment and Configuration
  • Routing and REST
  • Controllers
  • Active Record and Models
  • Helpers
  • Ajax
  • Session Management
  • Caching and Performance
  • Database Migrations
  • Security


  • General Patches
  • Memory Management
  • Exceptions
  • Protocols
  • Internals
  • C
  • Messaging
  • Categories
  • Best Practices


  • Installation and Configuration
  • Basics & REPL Commands
  • The Node Core
  • The Node Module System
  • Control Flow and Asynchronous Patterns
  • Routing
  • Node Frameworks
  • Template Systems and CSS
  • Relational Database Bindings
  • Graphics and HTML5 Video
  • WebSockets
  • Testing and Debugging

Android Programming

  • SDK & Prerequisites
  • Java for Android
  • App Packaging & Deployment
  • View & UI Programming
  • UI Design
  • Data Handling and Persistence
  • Content Providers
  • Identity, Sync & Communication
  • Search & Location Services
  • Multimedia & Sensors
  • Components & App Lifecycle
  • NDK


  • Element Selection
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Event Handling
  • Ajax
  • Styling and Animation
  • Plugin Usage
  • Plugin Development
  • Advanced Selectors and Traversing
  • Advanced Events
  • Advanced Effects
  • Advanced DOM Manipulation
  • Advanced Ajax


  • Media Queries
  • Selectors
  • Pseudo-classes
  • Web Fonts
  • Text Effects
  • Layout
  • Backgrounds
  • Colors
  • Gradients
  • Transition and Animations
  • 2D/3D Transformations


  • Scaffolding
  • CSS
  • Layout Components
  • JavaScript Plugins
  • LESS Stylesheets
  • Mobile First Design
  • Tests for Bootstrap 4 and older versions


  • Elements
  • Canvas
  • SVG
  • Input types
  • Forms
  • Web Storage
  • Workers


  • Installation
  • Basics & Dashboard Navigation
  • Theme Development
  • Plugin Development
  • WP Core & The Loop
  • Data Management
  • Content Management & Aggregation
  • UX + UI
  • Performance & Scalability
  • User Access & Security
  • Multisite (MU)
  • Taxonomies & Metadata


  • Language Basics
  • Arrays, Strings and Regex
  • Design Patterns
  • Application Security
  • Object Oriented Design
  • Database Handling
  • Exception Handling
  • Debugging
  • File Handling
  • Mail Handling
  • Advanced Topics


  • Language Basics
  • Objects and Arrays
  • Window, Browser & DOM Scripting
  • Expressions, Operators and Statements
  • Functions, Classes and Modules
  • Regular Expressions
  • CSS & HTTP Scripting
  • Event Handling
  • Client Side Storage
  • Scripted Media & Graphics


  • Search Technology
  • SEO Techniques
  • Search Engines and Directories
  • Linking Strategies
  • Keyword Selection and Optimization Strategies
  • Working with Meta Tags

Limited Edition Prints for "Deranged Fuzzy Tubbers"
Monday, August 10, 2020

I've created 10 limited edition prints for the very first original oil painting in my Titan series of 100!

You can view the original piece here.

Each print is 9”x9” Giclee on watercolor paper, acid free, sign and numbered edition of 10.

Price is $35.00 USD each, with free shipping.

These are now availabile! If you'd like to order one, please send me a message directly. There's still a couple left!


Studio 38, PCK, Yopoh & Vibe City Reflection
Friday, December 1, 2017

Years ago, I co-founded a Non-Profit project for the community and arts based out of MA called Vibe City. Around the same time I was pretty involved with Section 17 and managing (I hate this word, it really was way deeper and more meaningful than that) Planetary Circus Kingdom (Soundcloud, Youtube), then Yopoh (Bandcamp, Facebook). Over a span of 4 or 5 years, I worked with a team of amazing supporters, contributors, friends and artists, focusing on the the advancement of independent art, creativity, positivity, love, and the success and sustainability of community, and the role that we all play in these important fields; both current and past members and their creative and passionate endeavors. I still carry on that spirit with me.

We hosted numerous events and seminars with artists looking to expand their consciousness and follow their dreams. It's a wonderful DIY community. I wore many hats during these inspiring years. I collaborated with PCK and Yopoh directly as they were involved in every project. We built a studio (Studio 38) that's still a haven today for artists to create, record, and practice all forms of expression and creativity through sound and art. I built a live streaming service to broadcast our activity and maintained some form of web presence. Purchased more music/art equipment, lighting, event gear, decorations, building materials, and studio tools than I can count. I helped manage, coordinate, plan, and execute all of our events. We organized a series of art and music showcases around New England. We completed numerous paintings and recorded multiple albums during this time. I'm so grateful for that time of my life. I was able to evolve and learn together with a growing, caring collective of people.

Studio 38
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A look at the art/music studio we built in the south coast of MA. Poured my spirit into this place. One of the hardest parts about moving West was leaving this place's energy.

Yopoh - Self Titled
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

We live-streamed part of the creation of this album when Yopoh was formed and this platform was in beta. Check out the official release here and listen below... Artwork by Louis Johnson.

Link copied!