Programming + SEO Knowledge Breakdown
Sunday, August 23, 2020

I had a thought! I could break down in more detail a list of core topics that I make sure to stay studied up on, for some of the programming languages (+ an SEO-relevant bonus) that I'm more fluent with. I think it's a great reference point from which to dive deeper into specifics. You'll notice some recurring themes across languages too, which I think speaks to how important certain aspects are. Check it out:
- SQL and MySQL-specific Syntax
- Security and User Management
- Backup and Recovery
- Installation and Upgrades
- Scaling, Monitoring and HA
- Data and Index Types
- Stored Routines, Triggers, and Events
- Views
- Transactions
- Performance Benchmarking
- Performance Tuning
- Partitioning
- Fundamentals
- Images and Links
- Tables and Forms
- Tags
- Network & Web Programming
- System Administration
- Testing & Debugging
- Object Oriented Programming
- Files and I/O
- Data Structures And Algorithms
- Data Types
- Advanced Data Structures
- Data Encoding and Processing
- Concurrency
- Security
Ruby on Rails
- Environment and Configuration
- Routing and REST
- Controllers
- Active Record and Models
- Helpers
- Ajax
- Session Management
- Caching and Performance
- Database Migrations
- Security
- General Patches
- Memory Management
- Exceptions
- Protocols
- Internals
- C
- Messaging
- Categories
- Best Practices
- Installation and Configuration
- Basics & REPL Commands
- The Node Core
- The Node Module System
- Control Flow and Asynchronous Patterns
- Routing
- Node Frameworks
- Template Systems and CSS
- Relational Database Bindings
- Graphics and HTML5 Video
- WebSockets
- Testing and Debugging
Android Programming
- SDK & Prerequisites
- Java for Android
- App Packaging & Deployment
- View & UI Programming
- UI Design
- Data Handling and Persistence
- Content Providers
- Identity, Sync & Communication
- Search & Location Services
- Multimedia & Sensors
- Components & App Lifecycle
- Element Selection
- DOM Manipulation
- Event Handling
- Ajax
- Styling and Animation
- Plugin Usage
- Plugin Development
- Advanced Selectors and Traversing
- Advanced Events
- Advanced Effects
- Advanced DOM Manipulation
- Advanced Ajax
- Media Queries
- Selectors
- Pseudo-classes
- Web Fonts
- Text Effects
- Layout
- Backgrounds
- Colors
- Gradients
- Transition and Animations
- 2D/3D Transformations
- Scaffolding
- Layout Components
- JavaScript Plugins
- LESS Stylesheets
- Mobile First Design
- Tests for Bootstrap 4 and older versions
- Elements
- Canvas
- Input types
- Forms
- Web Storage
- Workers
- Installation
- Basics & Dashboard Navigation
- Theme Development
- Plugin Development
- WP Core & The Loop
- Data Management
- Content Management & Aggregation
- UX + UI
- Performance & Scalability
- User Access & Security
- Multisite (MU)
- Taxonomies & Metadata
- Language Basics
- Arrays, Strings and Regex
- Design Patterns
- Application Security
- Object Oriented Design
- Database Handling
- Exception Handling
- Debugging
- File Handling
- Mail Handling
- Advanced Topics
- Language Basics
- Objects and Arrays
- Window, Browser & DOM Scripting
- Expressions, Operators and Statements
- Functions, Classes and Modules
- Regular Expressions
- CSS & HTTP Scripting
- Event Handling
- Client Side Storage
- Scripted Media & Graphics
- Search Technology
- SEO Techniques
- Search Engines and Directories
- Linking Strategies
- Keyword Selection and Optimization Strategies
- Working with Meta Tags
Sunday, August 23, 2020