
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Ruby on Rails Development

Match, Promote, & Grow Your Business

I joined ehandshake to execute a full stack audit/analysis and consult on a ruby on rails application that allows you to introduce your business to more customers, from anywhere in the world. Any fixes, issues, bugs, code quality, performance, and speed problems were done by me. I implemented a few new features as well. I can't really go into any heavy details because I signed a pretty heavy NDA. But definitely go check out the app. How the system works, is you match with businesses selling to similar customers as you. Then you promote by introducing your business to more customers. Finally, your business grows through trustworth word-of-mouth referrals. The logic is simple, but the platform was very complex to build.

Tech StackRuby 2.2.1, Rails, HerokuAmazon AWS, Cloudfront, Vimeo, Cloudflare CDN, DNSimple, PostgreSQLCoffeeScriptjQuerySassStripe, Google AnalyticsRspec, Code Climate, New RelicPumaNginx, CapybaraMandrillGit, Pivotal TrackerSlack

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