C@tch Up

Tuesday, November 1, 2016
iOS Mobile Development in Objective-C

Connect with Friends on the Go

For C@tchUp, I teamed up with a startup founder to scope, architect, design, and develop a native iOS app in Objective-C. I wrote our web server in PHP with CodeIgniter and setup our databsae using MySQL. And converted all designs from PSD's to HTML/CSS/JS. The founder was not very technical, just a man with a vision. My position felt a bit like a temporary CTO role. I handled all planning, road-mapping, wireframing, devops, documentation, front and back end programming. C@TCHUP is a unique new app that allows users to seamlessly connect via phone while driving or on the go. CatchUP lets you use our native navigation app (via Google Maps API) and notifies other C@tchUp users in your "pack" that you’re available to talk and would like to catch up. This project is currently being upgraded and prepared for official launch in the Apple App Store.

Tech Stack: Objective-C, Xcode 9, iOS SDK, iOS 8 - iOS 10, PHP, Codeigniter, MySQL, Trello, SlackGithub, Google API, SMS API (Twilio)

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