Sage & Fool Short List
Sunday, September 14, 2008

- Light Side
- Knowledge is more factual based and taking everything in
- Wisdom is processing that information and applying the facts to understanding
- Dispelling illusion
- Always looking for the truth
- Highest freedom: freedom from attachment and illusion
- Sees room for correction (error, not sin)
- Looks for a solution, doesn’t just act on things
- Shadow:
- Controlling
- Uses knowledge to dominate others
- Excessive criticism
- Light Side
- Enjoys life one day at a time
- Doesn’t worry about anything but the present
- Turns everything into a joke – sees the comic side
- Curious about adventure
- If something is serious, he shows us the funny side (every situation)
- Commits to a relationship after being intimidated at first
- Shadow
- Intimidated by love at first
- Not responsible
So... what is the difference between a trickster and fool?
Sunday, September 14, 2008